Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Proceso de deportación en EEUU Pasos, apelaciones y tus opciones

La deportacià ³n es un proceso complejo que puede demorarse aà ±os. Durante este trà ¡mite, algunos migrantes tienen la opcià ³n de solicitar diversos alivios que les permitan permanecer en Estados Unidos. A continuacià ³n exploramos los pasos del proceso de deportacià ³n, los diferentes trà ¡mites y audiencias, los plazos, los posibles resultados, y las opciones con las que cuentan los migrantes que enfrentan una orden de deportacià ³n. Pasos de proceso de deportacià ³n y apelacià ³n Notificacià ³n de comparecencia. El migrante recibe carta en la que se especifican los cargos y se le cita para que se presente en corte.Audiencia previa. El migrante se presenta en corte y comunica cuà ¡l va a ser su estrategia frente a los cargos. Se le notifica cuà ¡les documentos debe enviar, cà ³mo y cuà ¡ndo. Tambià ©n se le cita para la siguiente audiencia.Audiencia de mà ©ritos. El migrante se defiende de los cargos y presenta testigos.Sentencia. El juez puede conceder un alivio al migrante u ordenar su deportacià ³n.Apelaciones. Tras la sentencia, el migrante y el abogado del gobierno tienen un plazo de 30 dà ­as para apelar ante el Tribunal de Apelaciones de Inmigracià ³n (BIA). En algunos casos, la sentencia del BIA puede ser apelada ante una corte federal de apelaciones.Ejecucià ³n de la sentencia. Se arreglan los papeles para la deportacià ³n o para proceder con la medida de alivio acordada en corte. Pasos en proceso de deportacià ³n de migrantes en EEUU Cada caso migratorio y proceso de deportacià ³n es diferente; sin embargo, las leyes establecen una serie de documentos y audiencias que deben cumplirse. Notificacià ³n de comparecencia El Departamento de Seguridad Interna (DHS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) suele ser el ente que inicia los trà ¡mites de deportacià ³n. Todos los migrantes que han cometido ciertos delitos o violaciones migratorias pueden ser puestos en un proceso de deportacià ³n, aunque tanto ICE como USCIS tienen sus prioridades. Cuando se inicia el proceso de deportacià ³n, primero el DHS emite un documento llamado Notificacià ³n de Comparecencia (notice to appear), que es una carta en la que se especifican las violaciones de la ley migratoria de las que se acusa al migrante, asà ­ como la fecha y el lugar donde este debe presentarse ante una corte de inmigracià ³n. Tras recibir la notificacià ³n de comparecencia, el migrante debe decidir si se representa a sà ­ mismo, si contrata a un abogado o si logra obtener la representacià ³n de un abogado  bona fide, es decir, que no cobre por su trabajo. Los migrantes tambià ©n pueden ser defendidos por representantes acreditados, quienes tienen un costo menor al de los abogados. A diferencia de lo que ocurre en los casos penales, en asuntos migratorios el gobierno federal no està ¡ obligado a proporcionar abogado a los acusados que no pueden pagar por los servicios de un profesional. Si el acusado ignora la citacià ³n, las autoridades proceden a dictar una orden de deportacià ³n en ausencia. Audiencia para solicitar libertad Los migrantes detenidos pueden, en algunos casos, solicitar que se les deje libres mientras se resuelve su caso de deportacià ³n. Como regla general, pueden hacer esa solicitud el dà ­a que comparecen por primera vez ante el juez para la audiencia del calendario maestro. Cabe destacar que no todos los migrantes detenidos pueden solicitar ser puestos en libertad. La ley excluye especà ­ficamente a los migrantes que se encuentren en una las siguientes circunstancias: Detenidos en un paso migratorio de EE.UU., es decir, como arriving aliensPersonas que no fueron admitidas legalmente a los EE.UU.Quienes representan una amenaza a la seguridad nacional de EE.UU.Quienes han cometido felonà ­as violentas o relacionadas con robos, drogas o fraudes en EE.UU. En los demà ¡s casos, el juez tiene potestad de decidir si concede la libertad al migrante mientras se desarrolla el proceso de deportacià ³n. La libertad puede ser bajo fianza, bajo palabra o mediante el compromiso de llevar un grillete electrà ³nico. La fianza mà ­nima es de $1.500, pero los montos pueden ascender a $20.000. Si el juez concede la fianza, se establecerà ¡ una nueva fecha para la audiencia del calendario maestro para que el migrante pueda pagarla y presentarse ya en libertad. Audiencia del calendario maestro La vista del calendario maestro (master calendar hearing) es una audiencia previa a la comparecencia en la corte de inmigracià ³n. El trà ¡mite se demora entre 15 y 30 minutos. El migrante puede estar acompaà ±ado de sus familiares, pero se recomienda que solo acudan si tienen estatus legal, ya que se arriesgan a ser arrestados. En esta audiencia previa, el juez lee los cargos y el migrante debe admitirlos o negarlos. Si no se siente cà ³modo hablando en inglà ©s, puede solicitar los servicios de un intà ©rprete de forma gratuita. Luego, el juez, el abogado del gobierno y el migrante (o su representante) hablan sobre cuà ¡l va a ser la estrategia del migrante frente a los cargos. En este momento, el migrante puede solicitar un alivio de deportacià ³n. Segà ºn la estrategia, el juez establece un calendario para la entrega de documentacià ³n y la audiencia principal, conocida en inglà ©s como individual hearing o merits hearing. El migrante puede solicitar otra audiencia de calendario maestro si no ha tenido tiempo para encontrar un abogado que se haga cargo de su caso o lo acaba de encontrar y el letrado necesita mà ¡s tiempo para estudiarlo. Al finalizar la vista del calendario maestro, el migrante recibe una notificacià ³n en la que se establece la fecha de su audiencia de mà ©ritos (merits hearing) o, en su caso, de una nueva vista del calendario maestro. Alivios de deportacià ³n: entrega de documentos Ante un caso de deportacià ³n, el migrante puede solicitar uno o varios de los alivios para parar la deportacià ³n como, por ejemplo, salida voluntaria, ajuste de estatus, cancelacià ³n, suspensià ³n de la deportacià ³n, asilo, etc. El migrante debe presentar la aplicacià ³n del alivio que busque y los documentos de apoyo, incluyendo el formulario correspondiente. Tambià ©n debe pagar la tarifa dentro del plazo que fijà ³ el juez en la vista preliminar del calendario. En algunos casos, es posible solicitar una exencià ³n del pago de la tarifa. Copias de esta documentacià ³n deben enviarse al DHS. El hecho de no enviar la documentacià ³n, la aplicacià ³n y la tarifa correspondiente dentro del plazo designado equivale al abandono del caso, y el juez ordenarà ¡ la deportacià ³n del migrante sin esperar a su merits hearing. Audiencia de mà ©ritos Merits hearing es el nombre en inglà ©s de la audiencia mà ¡s importante en un proceso de deportacià ³n. En esta audiencia de mà ©ritos, el migrante debe exponer ante el juez de inmigracià ³n cuà ¡les son sus razones para permanecer en EE.UU. El juez revisa la documentacià ³n presentada, asà ­ como correcciones o nuevos documentos. Luego, el migrante es interrogado por su abogado (si lo tiene) y el del gobierno. Seguidamente, son interrogados los testigos, si los hubiera. Para el cierre de la audiencia, el migrante o su abogado declara las razones por las que deberà ­a ser concedido el alivio de la deportacià ³n, y luego el abogado del gobierno expone las causas por las que deberà ­a ser negado. La audiencia de mà ©ritos puede tomar varias horas o, incluso, varios dà ­as. Decisià ³n del juez Al acabar las exposiciones finales, el juez puede dictar sentencia oralmente. Sin embargo, si necesita tiempo para considerar el asunto, comunicarà ¡ su decisià ³n mà ¡s tarde y por escrito. Tras la audiencia, el juez puede hacer una de tres determinaciones: Que los cargos contra el migrante no han sido probadosQue los cargos sà ­ han sido probados pero conceder el alivio de la deportacià ³nQue los cargos son ciertos y ordenar la deportacià ³n del migrante Una vez dictada la sentencia inicia un plazo de 30 dà ­as en los que se pueden presentar apelaciones. Si ninguna de las partes apela en ese plazo, la decisià ³n se convierte en definitiva. Si el resultado del juicio es una salida voluntaria o la concesià ³n de un alivio, se celebrarà ¡ otra audiencia para arreglar toda la documentacià ³n para el migrante. Apelacià ³n de sentencia dictada por juez de Inmigracià ³n Apelacià ³n de una orden de deportacià ³n ante BIA Los migrantes o los abogados del gobierno que no està ©n de acuerdo con la sentencia dictada por el juez en el proceso de deportacià ³n pueden apelar al Tribunal de Apelaciones de Inmigracià ³n (Board of Immigration Appeals o BIA, en inglà ©s). El plazo para esta apelacià ³n es de 30 dà ­as. Apelacià ³n de una orden de deportacià ³n ante la corte federal Las decisiones del BIA pueden apelarse ante las cortes de apelaciones, que son los tribunales federales que està ¡n solo un escalafà ³n mà ¡s abajo de la Corte Suprema de los EE.UU.  ¿Cuà ¡nto tiempo se demora el proceso de la deportacià ³n? Desafortunadamente, no hay una respuesta exacta, ya que depende de las caracterà ­sticas de cada caso y del monto de trabajo de cada corte. En la actualidad, hay mà ¡s de 800.000 casos pendientes en las cortes migratorias, aunque en ese nà ºmero se incluyen todo tipo de casos, no solo de deportacià ³n. En promedio, el plazo desde que inicia el proceso a la fecha de resolucià ³n final es de 578 dà ­as. Los casos mà ¡s complicados, como los de asilo, tardan un promedio de casi tres aà ±os en resolverse. La deportacià ³n no debe confundirse con la expulsià ³n inmediata, conocida popularmente como deportacià ³n exprà ©s, ya que esta à ºltima solamente aplica a migrantes indocumentados que no pueden acreditar estancia continuada en EE.UU. por un mà ­nimo de dos aà ±os.  ¿Cuà ¡nto se produce la deportacià ³n? Una vez que se emite la orden final de deportacià ³n, el trà ¡mite para expulsar al migrante de EE.UU. puede demorarse una o dos semanas en el caso de mexicanos y nacionales de otros paà ­ses que colaboran con EE.UU. en este asunto. Sin embargo, la ejecucià ³n de la deportacià ³n puede demorarse meses en los casos de migrantes que no tiene documentacià ³n como pasaporte, certificado de nacimiento u otro documento emitido por su paà ­s, ya que debe obtenerse antes de salir de EE.UU. Si el migrante està ¡ detenido y transcurren mà ¡s de 90 dà ­as desde la fecha de la orden de deportacià ³n, podrà ­a recibir una autorizacià ³n conocida como POCR (post-order custody review) para esperar en libertad mientras llega la documentacià ³n. Finalmente, los nacionales de paà ­ses que no aceptan deportados pueden permanecer por aà ±os en EE.UU. e, incluso, indefinidamente. Fuentes: Immigration Court Practice Manual, EOIRBIA Practice ManualTà ­tulo 8 del Cà ³digo de Leyes de los Estados Unidos de Amà ©rica Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Value of a Liberal Education - 1802 Words

In today’s society we view education as many things, but among the many views and opinions of education there are two major views we see that stand out, education is a right for all and education is necessary only for finding a successful career. To be more exact, it is a college education that is or should be available to all and is only necessary for securing a successful job. But before we even begin to think about a job or whether we want to pursue our God-given right to higher education we must first start our journey at the bottom of the educational system. In our lives we all start our journey through education in the same place, the bottom of the educational system. For some this can mean something along the lines such as pre-school, private tutoring, or home-schooling. We eventually work our way up going through kindergarten, elementary school, junior high, and then eventually high school. After high school we are than left two choices, enter directly into the work fo rce, or pursue a higher education. Say we chose to pursue a higher education and go to college; we then have to make another decision, do I want go directly into a certain profession and pursue a degree for that career, or do I want expand my virtues and pursue a liberal education. For now, let us delve into the subject that is a liberal education. The beginning of liberal education spans as far back as to the time of the great Greek philosophers like Aristotle and Plato, as Chuck E. Taylor describes inShow MoreRelatedThe Value Of Liberal Education1457 Words   |  6 PagesValue of Liberal Education in Today’s Society There are many different things that we value. Someone Ã'€refers business as it sees its success, someone is trying to succeed in Ã'€olitics. Each Ã'€erson looks at things differently. But there is a grouÃ'€ that can not be severely criticized and is considered as a very imÃ'€ortant Ã'€art of our lives - it is education. Liberal education is one of the basic values of modern society and it Ã'€lays a very imÃ'€ortant role in our lives. Liberal educationRead MoreEducation And Liberal Arts Education1253 Words   |  6 PagesA study in general education (liberal arts) affects different aspects of my development both physically and mentally. A liberal arts education has shaped the form I conceive and return over individual circumstances. After attending class and reading all the benefits of a liberal arts education it has shaped the direction I held regarding a Liberal Arts education. A liberal arts education has shifted the way I study and the process I go ab out completing my school work. Furthermore, from the mannerRead MoreThe New Liberal Arts, By Sanford J. Ungar And Robert Reich Essay1115 Words   |  5 PagesTo discuss the value of liberal education, there should be a mutual understanding that investing in college means to invest in oneself. Furthermore, while some consider this investment to be a critical stepping stone to success, others dismiss it, explaining that school simply cannot prepare someone for the â€Å"real world.† Sanford J. Ungar and Robert Reich explore both of these subjective values in their essays â€Å"The New Liberal Arts† and â€Å"College is a Ludicrous Waste of Money.† Ungar, the presidentRead MoreA Critical and Rhetorical Analysis of William Cronons Only Connect.1712 Words   |  7 PagesA Liberal Education? Not According to Cronon. A Critical and Rhetorical Analysis of Cronons Only Connect. While the term liberal education is heard from the most prestigious university to an inner city community college, the phrase itself has a hazy definition at best. While educators across America struggle with the definition of the phrase, William Cronon uses purpose, structure, and appeals in his essay Only Connect: The Goals of Liberal education, to define a liberally educated being andRead MoreA Liberal Education Matters By Michael S. Roth1067 Words   |  5 PagesA Liberal Education Matters Liberal education- its relevancy and practicality- is a relevant topic; it is especially relevant in a day and age where college is not a leisure but a necessity. In his book Beyond the University: Why Liberal Education Matters (Yale University Press), Michael S. Roth argues, his pointedly biased opinion, on the importance of a liberal arts education. To Roth, a liberal education is an education that immerses the student in vast knowledge of a variety of humanityRead MoreHigher Education At The Liberal Arts1639 Words   |  7 PagesAll types of education, whether technical or liberal, possess their own inherent merit. The distinction between the two lies in the spectrum of a particular study’s application. A higher education in any study should be encouraged because more knowledgeable individuals benefit both society and themselves through the continuation of their education. The value of one type of education does not negate the value of another. In today’s society technical studies, that is studies with a direct applicationRead MoreWhy I Am A Liberal Arts Education1123 Words   |  5 PagesA liberal arts education encourages freedom by allowing students to grow individually and academically. Before I read the summer reading packet, I did not know this. By reading the packet, I understand what it means to be liberally educated at Loras College. The freedom and growth that I will experience through the liberal arts at Loras will allow me to become better-rounded as an individual. Because of this, I will have learned how to be a critical thinker and learner, see the whole picture of whyRead MoreEssay on The New Liberal Arts1637 Words   |  7 PagesEnglish 101 â€Å"The New Liberal Arts† is an article written by Sanford J. Ungar, who is a president of Goucher College in Baltimore, Maryland. In the beginning of his article, Ungar wrote, â€Å"Hard economic times inevitably bring scrutiny of all accepted ideals and institutions, and this time around the liberal arts education has been especially hard hit.† In other words, Ungar means that recent economic recessions have made a huge impact on what people think of going for a liberal arts degree. In hisRead MoreAnalysis Of Sanford J. Ungar s The New Liberal Arts 978 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"The New Liberal Arts† by Sanford J. Ungar is an essay that talks about the benefits and misconeptions of receiving a liberal arts with Ungar on the benefits of students receiving a liberal arts education, but way the current education system is a liberal arts education isn’t the best financial choice to receive is a degree. education. Ungar was the president of a liberal art s education and the essay uses Ungars knowledge of liberal arts education to counteract arguments against students receivingRead MoreInâ€Å"Are Too Many People Going To College?†, The Author,1239 Words   |  5 Pagesadvantages of a liberal arts undergraduate degree, diminishes the importance of a college B.A., and claims that more people should consider providing goods and services rather than pursuing more advanced careers. He begins by outlining the importance of â€Å"core knowledge† being taught at a younger age in order to provide students with â€Å"cultural literacy† in American history and literature. After addressing a basis of education, he continues to discuss the importance of a liberal arts education over a â€Å"brick-and-mortar

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Night Creature Hunter’s Moon Chapter 35 Free Essays

â€Å"I’ve got to go,† I said. I took one step toward the door and fell to my knees as the room became a forest again. Damp earth seeped through my pants legs, chilling my skin. We will write a custom essay sample on Night Creature: Hunter’s Moon Chapter 35 or any similar topic only for you Order Now The air was musty. I smelled moss. In the distance a wolf howled. I lifted my mouth to call out†¦ And ended up coughing, choking, in Damien’s arms. â€Å"I don’t think you’re going anywhere.† â€Å"Stop me.† â€Å"No problem.† He scooped me up again and took me into the bathroom, where he dumped me onto the toilet seat. â€Å"I’m cleaning that wound, and I’m calling a doctor.† â€Å"Damien, it won’t do any good. You and I both know that.† He hung his head. â€Å"Just let me clean it then. OK?† â€Å"If I do, will you let me find Jessie?† â€Å"No. But I will.† I glanced into his eyes. This was the best deal I was going to get. I yanked the pillowcase bandage off my arm. â€Å"Knock yourself out.† His smile was the same smile I’d come to love. Sweet, sad, infinitely beautiful. I was going to miss him. My arm was bloody and gaping, made me nauseous just to look at it. I turned away, and he dampened a cloth and began to wash away the gore. After a few minutes Damien made an impatient sound. â€Å"This isn’t going to do any good, Leigh. It just keeps bleeding.† I resisted the urge to say, Told you so. â€Å"Bandage me up again.† â€Å"You need stitches.† â€Å"Stitch me.† â€Å"I’ll make a mess, a scar.† I lifted a brow. â€Å"A scar? Oh, no. I shiver. I shudder. That would be such a shame.† He ran a hand over his face, leaving a trail of my blood across his cheek. â€Å"Forget it,† I said. â€Å"It’s not going to make a difference in another day anyway.† â€Å"That’s right.† He straightened. â€Å"You’ll heal.† I wouldn’t. But once again, he didn’t need to know that. â€Å"Which reminds me, why doesn’t Hector’s tattoo heal?† â€Å"He has a tattoo? Like Cowboy?† â€Å"Obviously, since they’re the same person.† â€Å"Which makes no sense.† â€Å"You’d be surprised.† I didn’t have the energy or the time to explain super-duper shape-shifting powers, even if I could. â€Å"But the wolf morphing into the crow made no sense, either,† he murmured. â€Å"Getting back to the tattoo?† I reminded him as he used a towel to bind my arm. â€Å"What? Oh. That’s easy. You stay the way you were when you were made a wolf. If†¦ Was it Hector?† I nodded. â€Å"If he had a tattoo when he became a werewolf, he’ll have one forever. Any injury after that will heal.† Damien pointed to his thigh and I remembered the thin white scar that marred his nearly perfect flesh. â€Å"I got that as a kid. It’ll never go away.† This was all news to me. Why didn’t we know this in the J-S society? Because we didn’t stop to ask questions before we shot them, and maybe that wasn’t so bright. â€Å"But what about this?† I lifted my bandaged arm. â€Å"Happened before I became a werewolf.† â€Å"The wound that infected you with the virus will heal.† â€Å"Convenient.† â€Å"Can you imagine people walking around with their throats ripped out? It isn’t pretty.† I’d wondered when I first became a Jager-Sucher how people with kill wounds could heal. There was a simple, disgusting explanation. People were food. If a werewolf ate you, you died. If he nibbled but didn’t snack, you got to be one of them. â€Å"What about diseases?† I pressed. â€Å"They’ll heal, because you still have them after you’re a werewolf. At least until you shift the first time.† â€Å"But not scars?† â€Å"Sorry, Leigh.† He thought I was worried about my back. I hadn’t even considered it. Guess I got to keep the scar. Oh, boy. â€Å"Who is Hector?† he asked. â€Å"Cowboy.† â€Å"No, who is he to you?† I lifted my eyes. Sympathy shone in his, caring, under-standing, love. How could he love me? Because he didn’t know. â€Å"I had sex with him,† I blurted. â€Å"I saw him, wanted him, took him. Then he sacrificed everyone I loved so he could become like you.† Damien frowned. I waited for the recriminations, the disgust. Instead he murmured, â€Å"Interesting.† â€Å"Interesting? Is that all you can say?† â€Å"I didn’t know someone could become a werewolf without being bitten.† â€Å"You’d be surprised what you don’t know.† The door to my apartment banged open. Jessie and Will spilled into the room, Jessie shouting my name and cursing. I was so damn glad to see them alive, I didn’t hear what they were saying. I got off the toilet and inched past Damien. As I went by, his palm slid along my good arm in a gentle, reassuring touch. My fingers clung to his for just an instant and it was good. â€Å"I’m here,† I said. They both went silent as if I’d thrown a switch, staring at me as if I were a ghost. â€Å"Thank God,† she breathed. â€Å"I thought we were too late.† â€Å"Too late for what?† â€Å"We talked to Cora. He has to – â€Å" â€Å"Make me a werewolf before the full moon.† Jessie shut her mouth, tilted her head. â€Å"How did you know that?† â€Å"He told me.† I lifted my bandaged arm. She drew her gun and pointed it at my head. I smiled. â€Å"I knew you were the best friend I ever had.† Damien barreled out of the bathroom and shoved me behind him. My hero. â€Å"What the hell?† he asked. â€Å"Get lost,† Jessie snapped. â€Å"I don’t think I will. This is murder, Sheriff.† â€Å"It’s none of your business, Fitzgerald. Get out of my way.† â€Å"Jess.† Will spoke for the first time. â€Å"Maybe you should call in before you make any rash decisions.† Indecision flickered over her face. â€Å"You can always shoot her after she grows a tail,† Damien murmured. I kicked him in the leg. He ignored me. â€Å"You told him?† Jessie demanded. I shrugged and didn’t answer. â€Å"Jeez, Leigh, he’s a civilian.† â€Å"So was Cadotte, once upon a time.† â€Å"Got you there,† Will said. â€Å"Shut up.† Jessie’s answer to everything. She still pointed her gun at Damien. I didn’t like it. She had silver in that gun. I tried to slide around him, but he shoved me right back. â€Å"Without her, he can’t become the supreme alpha,† Jessie argued. â€Å"Wolves mate for life.† â€Å"What does that have to do with anything?† Damien asked. â€Å"Thought you knew it all.† â€Å"I know werewolves exist. I haven’t gotten the details on what you’re up against.† Will filled him in as I fought a sudden craving for raw steak. â€Å"It seems to me,† Damien murmured, â€Å"that you have Hector at a disadvantage.† â€Å"How so?† Jessie asked. â€Å"Leigh can get close to him. He’ll trust her.† Jessie and Will both turned to me. â€Å"He’s right.† Jessie holstered her gun. â€Å"I guess I can always shoot you later.† â€Å"Yeah, look at the bright side.† I pushed past Damien and moved farther into the room. â€Å"Hector plans to use Damien for his sacrifice.† Damien frowned, blinked, then shrugged. â€Å"Let him try.† â€Å"You need to protect him, Jessie.† â€Å"I don’t need anyone to protect me,† Damien protested. â€Å"I can take care of myself.† Jessie ignored him. â€Å"We could always shoot him before they kill him.† â€Å"Would you quit with the shooting?† I said. â€Å"Sacrifice is sacrifice. He doesn’t necessarily need Damien. He just wants him.† â€Å"Because?† â€Å"He touched me.† Jessie glanced at Damien. â€Å"She’s worth it,† he said. Her gaze went shrewd, and she turned her attention to me with a lift of her brow. I shook my head. I wasn’t going to discuss my feelings for Damien. Not now. F’robably not ever. â€Å"Hector told me you and Will wouldn’t make it back from Cora’s.† â€Å"We almost didn’t,† Will muttered. â€Å"What happened?† â€Å"My car is kind of like yours now.† â€Å"They attacked.† â€Å"When we were halfway between Cora’s and home. Thankfully Jessie brought a lot of guns and even more ammo.† She patted her Magnum. â€Å"Pays to be prepared.† â€Å"A regular Boy Scout,† I agreed. â€Å"We left quite a few dead ones behind.† â€Å"You didn’t burn them?† â€Å"We didn’t want to get out of the car. There were more waiting.† I nodded. â€Å"Did you happen to see a crow?† Will frowned. â€Å"It settled on the kills. Started pecking. Scavenger.† â€Å"That was Hector.† Jessie and Will exchanged glances. â€Å"You’d better tell us everything,† he urged. When I was through, Will murmured, â€Å"Not good.† He spread his hands. â€Å"But hey, if this job were easy, everyone would do it.† That startled a laugh out of me. â€Å"Mandenauer?† My head whipped around. Jessie held the cell phone to her ear. â€Å"You’d better get to Crow Valley. Leigh’s been bitten.† She listened for an instant, then hung up. â€Å"Dammit, Jessie, you’ll only upset him. What can he do?† â€Å"I guess we’re gonna find out. Because he’s on his way, and he’s bringing Dr. Hanover.† How to cite Night Creature: Hunter’s Moon Chapter 35, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Leadership During Of Organizational Change-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Leadership During Of Organizational Change? Answer: Introducation In any organisation there are several kinds of changes that take place from time to time. It becomes essential that all companies manage their changes in an effective manner (Cameron and Green, 2015). This is due to the reason that most of the people do not want changes to be done. It is the role of the management to check it so that changes can be effectively incorporated and hence do not pose any kind of difficulty in the production or efficiency. Other than this there are many kinds of challenges that are faced by the companies all these have to be properly taken care of so that there must not be downfall in the productivity of the firm (Harvard Business review, 2018). Australia and New Zealand Banking group is one of the five biggest banks in Australia and proved them to be one of the most successful companies in the country. This report highlights various kinds of transformation in ANZ bank. It also showcases the hardship manager face while implementing change strategies. Organisational transformation during McFarlanes tenure at ANZ bank At the time when McFarlane was appointed as the leader of the company this firm was facing several kinds of challenges like bad debts, branch closures and financial loss. He came and understands some of the facts regarding some of the bad policies of the company like there were lack of Women at the senior position of the branches. This company was performing badly in terms of CSR responsibilities. Apart from this there were many closures that have been done by the firm. All these had negative impact on the employees and community that ANZ banks performance is on the lower side. Some of the transformation that he brought to the organisation is as follows: Cost cutting drive: He assured that branches makes cost cutting in a better way. For this purpose he made employee retrenchment in which thousands of workers lost their jobs. He believed that in place of reducing wages of employees, it is better to reduce the volume of staffs as he supported increase productivity and pay them well. Reducing bank risk profile: He reduced the banks risk profile by bailing out the investments that is done in the emerging markets. Restructuring organisational operations: He made changes in the operations of head office as well as streamlining, outsourcing and vacating headquarters of hundreds of staffs. Chasing retail consumers: He started concentrating on the retail consumers apart from focusing on corporate clients. Their main focus was on well off retail consumers. Developing values based on employee input: He believed that bank must develop values that are based on the inputs received from worker as opposed to that dreamed up by senior managers so that decisions can be made using common language and sharing vision of success. This also included the decision of involving stakeholders especially employees in the decision making. Breakout and cultural transformation team: This was a team that drives three major initiatives namely Breakout charter, Breakout workshop and breakout consulting. Breakout workshop concentrates on personal and emotional development in which participants examine values and thoughts that drives their behaviour. Breakout charters focused on making changes that supports cultural transformation. On the other hand breakout consulting gave a range of consulting and diagnostic services for assisting business units and teams in living the desired culture. There programs were run for every employee in every business unit. This was carried out to develop encourage employees and enhance their motivational levels. Reward and appraisal system: One of the most important decisions that were taken by McFarlane is related to the performance assessment. Rewards were given on the basis of performance at the end of the year where business reviews were conducted throughout the year. This helped in increasing the performance of the employees as they get highly motivated by this. Training and development program: This Company established a structure that was used for identifying, assessing and developing talents. It helped employees in developing opportunities for them (Doppelt, 2017). It was a beneficial process for managing quality at the organisation. Suitable talent management program was established throughout the firm in addition to the strong line management plans. It also ensured that right kind of learning reached to right people. Program for leadership management was implemented: Basic idea behind implementing this program is to develop new leaders and understand the potential of staffs in becoming leaders and developing it for the company. Through its graduate program it attracts larger number of new talents. This helped employees in having better understanding of the business. Employee engagement: This was introduced by McFarlane so as to enhance satisfaction level of employees which helped them in enhancing their confidence level. Various kinds of timely survey were promoted employee satisfaction level. All these transformational changes played a decisive role in increasing the performance of the firm. By doing this they staff engagement, consumer satisfaction and recognition in community. Apart from this it also made financial performance turnaround as well as helped in delivering its promises to shareholders. His implementation of Breakout strategy to culturally transform ANZ bank played a very important role in marking success of the company. There were many long term strategic plans that were made in his tenure as a leader. It was considered as the golden era for the business of ANZ bank. Challenges for managers in implementing transformational strategies Changes are unacceptable at various levels of organisation (Hargis, Watt and Piotrowski, 2011). This is due to the fact that employees do not want change in their working methodology as well as organisational internal cultural change. All these strategies aim to improve the corporate brand image of the firm through internal cultural changes. There were many kinds of challenges that were faced by the managers of ANZ bank. Some of them are as follows: Poor performance of company: This was the biggest problem that is faced by the company. As in the times of poor financial performance it is difficult for managers to take any difficult or risky decisions as it may negatively affect the performance of the company (Hayes, 2014). Financial constraints: Due to large amount of bad debts and poor performance of the company in the past there were financial barriers in front of the firm which restricted them from making many kinds of changes that required large amount of monetary values (Mayfield, Mueller and Kumar, Bmc Software, Inc., 2015). Reluctance of employees towards change: It is one of the biggest barriers in front of the company that more number of employees does not want internal cultural changes at the workplace as it will change the way of working inside the firm (Benn, Dunphy and Griffiths, 2014). Employees get used to a working methodology and persuading them to help in the organisational transformational program was one of the biggest challenges for the managers. They have used various kinds of approaches for this purpose. Motivation of employees: All these organisational changes lower down the motivational level of employees especially the decision of making job cuts reduces confidence of other staffs in the firm (Wang, Oh, Courtright and Colbert, 2011). This was one of the biggest challenges in front of the managers as it reduces productivity of the firm. In order to combat this, managers took use of motivational theories by various researchers. Employees involvement: Since there are many kinds of discrepancies in managing changes hence it was important that employees were also involved in big decision making (Cummings and Worley, 2014). It is always difficult for managers to make a plan about how the employee engagement in the process will be ensured. It is also to be taken care of that involving an employee is not an easy task and too much control given to them cannot be given by managers and hence it was decided smartly (Kuipers, Higgs, Kickert, Tummers, Grandia and Van der Voet, 2014). Providing training: With any kind of transformational change within workplace, it has become essential for the workers to take care of the fact that employee needs training on the applied changes. It is always challenging for the managers to train employees about various aspects of changes especially in case of cultural and ethical changes (McDermott, Conway, Rousseau and Flood, 2013). This helps in bringing boost to the change initiatives as employees also contribute to the change management procedure. Use of emotional strategy helps in attracting the attention of people who will be influenced by changes. Aligning the pace of change: It is always difficult for managers to make changes at the pace that is needed by the organisation (Noruzy, Dalfard, Azhdari, Nazari-Shirkouhi and Rezazadeh, 2013). Without doing this any change is unable to produce same outcomes. Changes must be first made at the top of the management level. Changes must be done by making a plan so that the continuity in change mechanism can be ensured that too at the pace what is required by the firm. For this process it is always necessary that collective efforts is made which can only be possible when all conflicts present between different levels of organisation is resolved. Removing all the confusion: It is essential for the managers to eliminate all the confusions present in the minds of different stakeholders especially investors (AguirreandAlpern, 2014). This is a bigger challenge for managers to reduce any kind of confusion in the minds of employees so that they can positively add to the change management process. Attributes of leadership In the last two decades company has seen several change of leadership. Every leader has different style of leadership as well as a distinct set of attributes were present in them. They have different set of role in directing, influencing and managing process of change at ANZ. Out of them there were two main key leaders named McFarlane and Michael smith. Attributes of McFarlane An individual that balances work and family commitments. He likes to keep himself fit as well as he enjoys enjoy music, films, reading and modern art. Long experience in banking industry. Far sighted leader who understands the need of taking transformational decisions. A leader that believes in taking risky decisions for the benefit of the firm. Attributes of Smith An outstanding all-round banker with an excellent professional tract record in many type of business and geographies with large experience in corporate and retail banking. Controlled decision maker in difficult situations. An experience problem solver in the industry which is necessary in difficult times of the firm. There are various kinds of roles that are played by the leaders especially in terms of influencing, directing and managing the change process at ANZ. The way of dealing with such situation differed from leader to leader. In any process role of leadership is very extensive. Some of them are as follows: Making plan: For implementing any kind of changes within an organisation it is essential that changes must be planned (Raineri, 2011). It helps to assure that the change will give positive results and helps firm in facing all the strategic challenges. Without such kind of plans change process cannot be ensured for the longer time. Leading through the front: It is necessary that leaders lead from the front (Sandkuhl, Smirnov and Shilov, 2011). They can do this by setting example by being part of every change that is done at the firm. Other than this they need to set example in case the company is making any cost cuts. This enhances the confidence level of other workers to become part of the process and effectively completing it. Directing: It is essential that leaders direct staffs at all the levels of the organisation in terms of what they have to do for making the change process effective and fruitful (SEO, Taylor, Hill, Zhang, Tesluk and Lorinkova, 2012). For this they take use of the plan that was previously made by the organisation or the vision that was cited before planning for the change. There are other ways in which they direct following changes. For example they monitor the whole process of change management so that any discrepancy in the process gets removed at the time when it is generated. Provide infrastructure: They build infrastructure in such a way that changes can be easily incorporated. This includes maintaining communication system. Effective communication system always helps in reducing the amount of confusion that is present in the change process (Smith, 2011). It helps in bringing smoothness to the whole mechanism. Apart from this they also have the role in changing organisational structure accordingly so that changes are incorporated in a desired manner. Motivating employees for the change process: It is essential for the employees to stay motivated towards change. This is the role of the managers to motivate their employee by removing all the confusions related to the change by resolving all the queries of the employees (Buzzacott, 2016). Evaluation of environment: It is essential for the managers to make sure that changes are made according to the environment persisting around ANZ. This helps in enhancing the quality of the change process. For doing so they need to analyse each and every factor associated with change process (Abbas and Asghar, 2010). Facing hurdles: There are many kinds of hurdles that come in front of the company while they are incorporating or implementing changes (Van der Voet, 2014). This helps to ensure that all the changes are conducted at the required pace. Leaders need to remove all the resistance or barriers that came in front the change process. For example if the change process is not in the favour of employees they may go on strike which can lead to huge losses hence company needs to make plans for avoiding such incidents. Conclusion From the above based report it can be concluded that there are various kinds of changes that place within an organisation from time to time as per the requirement of the firm. It is essential for the company of the scale of ANZ bank to manage all changes so that it does not affect the firm in the negative sense. In ANZ there were many kinds of changes were done by McFarlane which helped company in facing situations that came across the company. Manager had to face many kinds of challenges that come in front of them while implementing such kind of changes. Apart from this it is the role of the leader to direct, lead and manage all the changes inside the firm. 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